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Residents of four Serb

TIME:2024-06-03 23:54:28 Source: Internet compilationEdit:business

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PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Residents of four Serb-majority municipalities are casting their votes Sunda

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Residents of four Serb-majority municipalities are casting their votes Sunday on removing their ethnic Albanian mayors from office following last year’s mayoral elections, overwhelmingly boycotted by the Serb minority.

The referendum — supported by the West — is an attempt to diffuse tensions between Kosovo and its neighboring Serbia as both countries vie to join the European Union. However, Kosovo’s main ethnic Serb party, Srpska List which has close ties with Belgrade, has called to boycott Sunday’s poll.

Some 46,500 residents are expected to vote in 47 polling stations, and for the mayors to step down, a majority vote is needed.

In June, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti offered to hold new elections in North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok if 20% of the electorate in the municipalities supported a petition for the polls. Residents voted in favor of the petition in January,